Nothing like chocolate to kick off Mother's Day! Ella's Birthparents, Madi and AJ, came over Friday and we decided we wanted to do something special and fun since it was almost Mother's Day. Special and Fun to us means steaks and chocolate (or something similar). :o) I think Mason and Ella enjoyed it more than anyone. They were in chocolate heaven! Mason actually ate everything he dipped, while Ella just really wanted to dip everything and feed it to everyone else. Then she discovered the white chocolate macadamia nut cookies. We had to tear her away from them so she wouldn't have a major break down later from too much sugar. Mason is better at sneaking his without us knowing. He is the chocolate king!! Mason is the only child I know that doesn't really like any other candy besides chocolate. He won't even try anything else... What child the age of 5 hasn't tried a starburst or skittle? Not that I'm complaining. :o)

After we ate way too much we decided to go for a little walk and ended up at the park. Ella and Mason love all the extra attention they get when Madi and AJ are around.
This is a pic of Madi (Ella's Birthmom, Ella, and Me).
Ella and Madi........... Such a cute picture!
Madi is so beautiful and so is our precious Ella!
It was so fun to have them here to celebrate Mother's Day with us. We will be eternally grateful to Madi and AJ for giving us the opportunity to be Ella's parents. We are also so glad we have such a great friendship. Thank you both! We love you!
This is a picture of Ella and AJ. Ella decided she would like to slide down the pole and is obviously not quite advanced enough to do it herself. :o) AJ came to the rescue and helped her down. This girl has no fear and she loves her parks!