
Sunday, June 22, 2014

Happy Birthday Mason!

He always chooses what cake he wants, but this year we had to wait until last minute to decide  because he kept changing his mind.  It went from Ninja Turtles (like last year), to Planes, to Jake and the Neverland Pirates, to dinosaurs, to superhero squad, and finally to Planes again.  We kind of had to cut him off the day before and tell him no more changes...  He opted for chocolate cake (no surprise) and Kit-Kat frosting on the inside.  Sounded interesting, but turned out to  be a very delicious choice!  I would definitely do Kit-Kats again. :o)

This kid loves his birthday!! He is one that walks around like a king all day and says... "can I do.... because its my birthday?"  To be honest though, Mason can find a way to make any day special if it seems like it could get him what he wants.  He is so creative!  Most days of the week Mason will ask me "can we have donuts for breakfast because it's a special day"?  I love his enthusiasm!

This year his big present was a bike.  He keeps complaining that his other bike is not as fast as his friends so he needed bigger tires.  Josh really liked University of Utah Red and Black.  Mason loved it too!

 We had a bunch of kids over for his birthday party later on in the day.  It turned out bigger than we expected!  We had about 20 kids show up and it was seriously crazy, but so much fun!! We had several activities planned, but the best was when the kids (representing the fire and rescue planes) got to chase Josh (representing the fire) with water balloons and squirt guns.  It was hilarious!! The kids really got into it and Josh really got his workout. :o)

 Happy Birthday buddy! We love you so much and can't believe you are already six years old!!
Mason is such a sweet, tenderhearted little guy.  He is so creative and so sweet to his sister.  We are so lucky to be his parents. :o)

Monday, June 9, 2014

Birthday Time....

My kids love birthday parties! This was their cousin Taizley's Birthday.  There is nothing better than slides, swimming, and cupcakes in the eyes of a child.

Taizley and Ella.... Little cousins two months apart.  They are so cute together! Bounce houses are seriously the most amazing things ever! The kids could have played in them all day long!

There's my boy.  He was the one chasing his cousins around with a water gun.... and being chased as well.  He must have changed in and out of his swimsuit at least three times because he just didn't want to get wet.  Then it happened and there was not stopping it.

My little cheeser!! She is such a cutie.  I love that she loves pictures!

Even though she loves pictures and usually will pose if she is in a moment of fun, nothing could take her away from this purple frosted cupcake.  Thank you Mason for pausing before diving into that cupcake.  I know it took some major self control! :o)

Monday, June 2, 2014

Picnic Time

Mason love, love, loves picnics.  During the winter he wants to have picnics on the carpet with blankets, and in the summer he loves them on the trampoline, the grass, his mini table outside, and anywhere else he could possible think of for eating, but his favorite spot is by the river at a park nearby.  We spent a very small time eating, and a very large of amount of time throwing "stuff" into the water.  It was time to go after I had to chase Ella's shoe and get it out before it went through the bars at the end.  Little stinker Ella.  :o) I turned my head and laughed when she thought she was funny throwing her sandwich and carrots in the water, but when the shoe came off her foot, I couldn't move fast enough to stop her.  We love picnics!! We may do the next one away from the water though... haha!

Coolest Splash Park Ever

 I had a wedding shower to go to with my sisters on Saturday, so Josh took the kids to the splash park! They had a blast! Josh sent me a video of them running through the shooting water and I was so sad to be missing it.  I am not used to being the one missing out on the kids and all their cuteness!

Frosties and Snow Cones

 We went with my sister and her kids to get frosties and snow cones.  For those who didn't think they would like snow cones we got kiddie sized frosties.  Ella decided to try both! My favorite flavor... Coconut!! Yummy! Okay so it's the only flavor I've tried in years, but it was so delicious! My nephew got coconut with cream on top! The cream was just the right touch! So good on a these hot days!

Last Day of School... Time to celebrate!

We met one of my best friends at the Animal Farm at Thanksgiving Point.  It was so much fun!
Ella is quite the little climber these days! Such a cutie!

 Mason rode the ponies twice this time.  He was even brave enough to sit on one of the bigger horses!  He is getting way too brave! He used to be such a timid, little guy.  I can't believe he will be on to first grade next year.  Oh boy.... Here come the tears.  Why is it so sad to let your kids grow up?!
 Last time we were at the farm Ella was a little nervous and wouldn't ride the ponies, but this time she only got nervous when they began to move and then with a little encouragement she was off!  All I had to do was tell her how big she was...  These days her favorite word is "me".  She wants to do almost everything by herself like her brother does.
 Mason and Ella love hanging out with Ella and Sophie.  They are all so cute together! Here they go on a horse drawn hay ride! So fun!!


T-ball has already come to an end.  Josh and Mason had
so much fun playing together (Josh as the coach), and Ella and I had such a fun time cheering them on! Go White Sox!! Josh learned from last year that he needed to request his team name right away or he might get stuck with a team he'd rather not teach his son to route for.  Mason still loves to wear his Yankees shirt from last year and let's just say it makes Josh cringe every time.  Haha!

Josh worked so hard to be the best coach possible.  He was amazing! The very first day he made it a point to learn all the kids names.  I have no idea how he does it, but he only asked them each to tell him their names once and he just remembered.  Definitely not a talent I have.  He made all the kids feel really special.  He even remembers kids names from his team last year and says "hi" when he sees them.

My game watching partner! Isn't she so cute?!! She always clapped when anybody else clapped and the rest of the time she either ate snacks or ran around making me chase her.  I think she's pretty excited for the day she gets to play T-ball.  Although she may decide to do something else when the time comes, for now she enjoys trying on the helmets and trying to hit the ball.

Ella thought she was pretty cool lined up against the fence with the rest of the team.  :o)  I thought she was the most adorable thing I had ever seen!
The team didn't do too great when asked to smile for a nice team photo, but what did I expect from a bunch of 4-6 year olds? When it was suggested they do "crazy" we got some great pics!

 I love my Boys!!!


Memorial Day Fun!

We love when daddy gets an extra day off of work!  When dad's here to stay the family must play, so we went to the mountains for a little bike ride/ picnic. We even brought grandmas and grandpas.  :o)

 Ella has an obsession for throwing rocks (and anything else) into the river, so grandma helped her search for the perfect (little) rocks.

 Mason used to be into throwing things into the river, but now he just wants to be right up next to the water.  Throwing rocks from a distance just isn't good enough anymore.  :o) ... And Ella always follows everything Mason is doing.  Monkey See... Monkey Do! So cute!

The bike ride up the trail was so much fun! If only we remembered to bring the camera to the falls.  The kids had a blast!