
Sunday, June 22, 2014

Happy Birthday Mason!

He always chooses what cake he wants, but this year we had to wait until last minute to decide  because he kept changing his mind.  It went from Ninja Turtles (like last year), to Planes, to Jake and the Neverland Pirates, to dinosaurs, to superhero squad, and finally to Planes again.  We kind of had to cut him off the day before and tell him no more changes...  He opted for chocolate cake (no surprise) and Kit-Kat frosting on the inside.  Sounded interesting, but turned out to  be a very delicious choice!  I would definitely do Kit-Kats again. :o)

This kid loves his birthday!! He is one that walks around like a king all day and says... "can I do.... because its my birthday?"  To be honest though, Mason can find a way to make any day special if it seems like it could get him what he wants.  He is so creative!  Most days of the week Mason will ask me "can we have donuts for breakfast because it's a special day"?  I love his enthusiasm!

This year his big present was a bike.  He keeps complaining that his other bike is not as fast as his friends so he needed bigger tires.  Josh really liked University of Utah Red and Black.  Mason loved it too!

 We had a bunch of kids over for his birthday party later on in the day.  It turned out bigger than we expected!  We had about 20 kids show up and it was seriously crazy, but so much fun!! We had several activities planned, but the best was when the kids (representing the fire and rescue planes) got to chase Josh (representing the fire) with water balloons and squirt guns.  It was hilarious!! The kids really got into it and Josh really got his workout. :o)

 Happy Birthday buddy! We love you so much and can't believe you are already six years old!!
Mason is such a sweet, tenderhearted little guy.  He is so creative and so sweet to his sister.  We are so lucky to be his parents. :o)

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