
Monday, June 2, 2014


T-ball has already come to an end.  Josh and Mason had
so much fun playing together (Josh as the coach), and Ella and I had such a fun time cheering them on! Go White Sox!! Josh learned from last year that he needed to request his team name right away or he might get stuck with a team he'd rather not teach his son to route for.  Mason still loves to wear his Yankees shirt from last year and let's just say it makes Josh cringe every time.  Haha!

Josh worked so hard to be the best coach possible.  He was amazing! The very first day he made it a point to learn all the kids names.  I have no idea how he does it, but he only asked them each to tell him their names once and he just remembered.  Definitely not a talent I have.  He made all the kids feel really special.  He even remembers kids names from his team last year and says "hi" when he sees them.

My game watching partner! Isn't she so cute?!! She always clapped when anybody else clapped and the rest of the time she either ate snacks or ran around making me chase her.  I think she's pretty excited for the day she gets to play T-ball.  Although she may decide to do something else when the time comes, for now she enjoys trying on the helmets and trying to hit the ball.

Ella thought she was pretty cool lined up against the fence with the rest of the team.  :o)  I thought she was the most adorable thing I had ever seen!
The team didn't do too great when asked to smile for a nice team photo, but what did I expect from a bunch of 4-6 year olds? When it was suggested they do "crazy" we got some great pics!

 I love my Boys!!!


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